Mar 22, 2009

Making a Natural Image- Digital Camera

Making a Natural Photo- Digital Camera
Create an image of the natural (landscape Photography) is a good difficult. Natural scenery is very beautiful but the photos that you can produce disappointing?. Do not blame the camera. A sophisticated camera equipment can not guarantee someone to be able to make good photographs. Here are some tips on how to make photography picture of the nature of interest

Try to think about the landscape like an image that has a short story of (foreground / background front), the middle (middle ground / background center), and the end of the (background / background). On a spectacular field of agriculture, for example, you can use the old train as foreground, the way land intricate as middle ground, a warehouse and a red light as the backgroud. A farmer who is lead horse can be a main character or the subject of your photo. (Remove the number of chickens around if you take a subject complement.)

Very few natural look neatly organized on the first view, then your main task is to find a place that benefits can translate or convey it to the images that attract your eye on the scene.

A landscape photo must also capture the spirit (spirit) and the mood of a place. Even before you point your lens to target, think a moment, ask yourself what appear to be emotional for you about two things that (spirit and mood). Is morning light yellow tinge the entrance between grass dry in the fields? Color, direction, quality, light intensity all have effects on the landscape. Or whether it is the evening fog hover above the river. The weather in all its forms can work even in the spectacular scenery which is very common even

This follows some technical tips to make a good landscape photography, (adapted from an article in the forum photographer)

Always use the form of RAW file, not the other. We of course will be very happy when we can easily modify the results for the image using the software-software image. Therefore, the most easily when we want to modify a result of the image is to have a negative digital film. Negative film is digital RAW files.

Find a location that's most like us and we believe that the place is the perfect place to create a landscape image. We have to find a location that really good for the composition which we shall consider the foreground of an object that we will take photographs. Without a future and a good background, the background of the object will not be interesting even as beautiful as any in the background.
We will take a photo of the mountain landscape, where some form of backgroundnya a big yellow cloud. Maybe this photo is good, but it will be better if we add a few piles of stone in front of the mountain. By doing so, will feel more complete in the composition of the photo is where we also give a good foreground.
Then, do not forget about the rules in the composition of an image that is
Never put the object ditengah2 main frame images.
Because the later will make a Dead Center on the image.
What is the Dead Center? Hmm,. We try to explain to the next topic is

To take photos landscape required a low ISO (50-100) to obtain a low noise and color saturation is perfect. However, ISO also means lower SHUTTER speed slow.
Now, to overcome the slow speed SHUTTER, seharusnyalah we use a tripod, so that the images that we produce will not shake (shake).
Tripod also belom aja enough, we must determine the exact position of horizon. Where is the horizon that we must always make the straight, not to careen to the left or right. When we make it difficult for the horizon is straight, we can use plastic spirit level, a tool that we hotsoe on the crown (Blitz holder) camera. By doing so, we will always get a straight horizon.

Okay, we are almost ready now
If we are ready, we will relase SHUTTER click, click. And, we already have a landscape photo. But such views in the house? Light up? Color of the sky are brighter than the other colors? Oops inih why?
The answer is a filter.
Why filter? Yes,. We can use a neutral filter, it again can we use neutral density filter. We can also use a circular polarising filter (CPL) which will be better results, because the average pencahayannya and can eliminate the reflection from the embossed glass or water.

To get the sharpness of the image area for all, please use the APERTURE F11 - F16, but it depends on the camera that we use also ding: D
However, we still have to use the APERTURE f13 for a landscape photo in order to avoid diffraction image that is too soft.

The best time to get a landscape photo is at the "Golden Hour". When the golden hour? Yes,. This time is approximately 30 minutes after sunrise or 30 minutes before sunset.
However, we can also get a dramatic dark cloud of dense white cloud or with the big bright blue sky Of course, we should really make sure that the time that we use is appropriate.
Do not make a landscape photo in the middle of day?

Wah, .. this is why we need uga?
Of course, we can not make a good photo with his wife beside when we're home already grim,. friend beside already suffering because ngomel2 and others.
We must take the time and carefully. Where we have to see what diviewfinder with the same object that we are the photos.
We shall consider the lighting in the photo so that the results we will actually get the maximum.
The key that is only one patient.

Taukah us a good camera?
What good is a camera that will always be expensive?
Hmm,. I had a colleague, "money in photography is not untrue";)
What it means?
Yes, .. of course it means we have to use a camera or a security camera is good to get good results too.
Okey? Prepare all, enter all your gear into the bag, not to have that lag.

White balance
If you use RAW, (should) we do not need to worry about white balance settings on the camera. Because later on we can use the software to modify images.

Shutter Release
Use cable relase SHUTTER SHUTTER relase or wireless, to avoid the camera shake when taking photos.
Usually the camera for some "good" a lot of enhancements this sale, either third party or a similar brand with camera.
If we do not have SHUTTER release, we can use the delay on the camera.